All the News

I've tested the Wings.odt with OOo 3.0beta2 on Windows XP and Mac OS X Leopard and it seems to work fine except that on Mac there is no support for AWT (and consequently no Swing). It also works with OOo 2.4 on Windows and NeoOffice 2.2 on Mac. Earlier versions are mostly OK too, but don't go toooo far (like 2.0) or GroovyForOpenOffice won't work (and you need it for Wings).
Note that you must install Groovy For OpenOffice for the WingsEval macro to work. Otherwise you can just open the Wings document and read it, but the code won't be executable.
The keyboard shortcut for the Wings macro seems to work with all
those versions and platforms too. The Wings.odt file is signed so
that you can have some reasonable expectation that we're using the
same bits. Of course if yours is not signed by my CA Cert showing JAMES PAUL WHITE and my email address then there
may be a problem.
(Objective Caml) is a popular version of ML
sporting OO features. OCaml-Java
is the spiffy
implementation for the JVM by Xavier Clerc used in Wings.
Adenine is the language of the MIT Haystack Semantic Desktop and is essentially a LISP for
graphs. It features a RDF data model, Pythonic syntax, and is
implemented for the JVM. I have extricated it's implementation
from Eclipse and packaged it with a
JSR-223 engine adapter
so that Wings can support it by
default. The Adenine Tutorial converted to IFCX Wings is available from SVN
The Scheme support is using the SISC
implementation (even though I'm long time Kawahead
) because it has a JSR-223 engine already and it is also
better for pedagogic purposes since it has full continuations.
There is also exciting news regarding and the Community Innovation
but I'll hold off on the details of that until November

A big THANK YOU to Brendan Humphreys and Peter Moore of
Atlassian for the invitation and
support to present Wings in a lightning talk at CommunityOne. I did
have a nasty demo devil bite that prevented a live demonstration,
so next time I'll have a Time Machine backup with me...
This release of Wings should be useful on at least an experimental level for the adventurous. The examples include plenty of Groovy of course, but also Ruby/JRuby, Python/Jython, and Haskell/Jaskell.
Apache Ivy integration enables JAR
dependencies to be loaded dynamically and languages are pluggable
via the JSR 223:
Scripting for the Java Platform
. JDK 1.5 is all that is required,
although JDK 1.6 or 1.7 are fine of course.
G4OO v0.6 features Groovy
1.5.6 and
Apache Ivy 2.0-SNAPSHOT bundled with the Ivy RoundUp
Builder Resolver
Using that pluggable language scheme, and thanks to a sprint at
the Scala lift
off last
Saturday with the invaluable assistance of Lex
WE HAVE SCALA! You can download it from the usual place
Get it from the IFCX files area.
Also this release is the first to be available through the OOo Extension On-Line Update feature, which means if you've previously installed this extension you can get this version by clicking "Update" in the "Tools:Extensions..." dialog.
I've also created an Installation document to help folks get started.
The Groovy_Samples.odt has some install help but the notes on how to write nice(r) Groovy macros is not yet done.
For a spiffy example of what can be done with G4OO, a verrry early POC of IFCX Wings is also included. It too is a little short on explanations but watch the for further development news.
Please direct questions to the IFCX GroovyForOpenOffice forum.

This release fixes a bug that kept the extension from working on Windows.
Please report bugs (and success is welcome too!) to the
GroovyForOpenOffice forum.
See the Groovy For OpenOffice page for download information.
Happy hacking!

I've just released an initial version for those who love bleeding on the edge.
I'm not able to provide much in the way of support for using
this extension at the moment, so the OpenOffice
(which is large and strong) is the place to look for more
Of course I will be reviewing this code in detail at my OCJUG presentation next week.
See the Groovy For OpenOffice page for download information.
Happy hacking!

And since the Wings prototype is going to be a bit undercooked, I'll also be showing illiterate scripting tools that are ready-to-use. In addition to Groovy For Open Office in depth, we'll also look at some other Groovy Tools.
The meeting location this month is at the Google Irvine office.
Google Hosted - OC JUG Meeting: Date: Thursday, June 14th 2007 Location: Google Irvine 19540 Jamboree Rd. Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92612 Agenda: 6:30pm-7:00pm (Networking, food, drinks) 7:00pm-7:15pm (OC JUG announcements) 7:15pm-9:00pm (Presentation)
If you're planning to attend, please RSVP to OCJUG Vice-Chair Ray Tayek (mailto:rtayek at so they can prepare name badges in advance.
I'll be presenting on OOHTML and AntAnywhere at
Camp next

I'm posting this update from Bryce Canyon, UT.
The ProjectSummary is where I'll be putting links to site starting points. The first few stubby pages are Brief GUI History, Object-Oriented HTML, and eRDF Demo.

TITLE: Jim White Shows Off His New Thing
(aka Introducing IFCX : Internet Foundation Classes eXtreme!)
Topics currently planned include:
- A Brief History of GUI Technological Innovation
- Introducing IFCX : The Web is The Computer!
- GWT : AJAX with Google Web Toolkit
- IFCX : AppletServer ("Any Toolkit, Any Deployment")
- IFCX : Ant Anywhere
- IFCX : Web Site Publishing with JSPWiki
- IFCX : Semantic Web Wikification System
- And a Special Surprise (or two)!
There is also bound to be ranting about the Java GUI Trail of Tears, Open Source and Java, Java Renaissance, the Evil of Software Patents, and who knows what else. So don't miss it! Although if you do, you will have a second chance as the presentation will be videotaped.
Jim White ( is a software developer and consultant
with decades of experience focused on GUI libraries & tools,
build & deployment automation, networking, and embedded &
portable devices. A long time LISP (formerly FORTH) hacker and
Smalltalk admirer, he's been a Java fanatic since the JDK 1.0 beta
release in 1995. More recently he's become an Open Source Software
Business Evangelist, and is founder of the award-winning Darwine
Project (
). His pet project is PUP (the Program
Understanding Program) and is realizing that vision through
Semantic Web development in Internet Foundation Classes eXtreme!

The main presentation was "Java Web development using Spring and
DWR (AJAX library)" by Giuseppe
and I (Jim White) gave a minitalk (which turned rather longer than
intended) introducing IFCX/GWT.
An archive of Giuseppe's presentation (PPT & source) as
given at the SoCalCodeCamp in January is here:
Speaking of great video rants about (G)UI, I tripped over this
link in the Scoble Exit Interview (which Scoble cites as his
Bill Hill - Windows is not the most important
And don't miss Bill's post in the discussion:

If you're the sort who just can't wait to find out what this all about, you can check out my little talk at the end of last week's OCJUG meeting on Google Video. My intention was to give a little 10 to 15 minute sneak peek on GWT and the start of an IFCX Builder for it. That's basically what I did, but it ran rather long...
Check out the next entry for the announcement with the details.