Building up the code for OOHTML here. The current example is just using GWT and SPARQL together.The source is at
And a ready-to-run binary (including Joseki with embedded Jetty
server) is at
To run the binary, just unzip it, cd into the directory and do
"ant run". If the messages are promising (ending with listening on and Jetty ready), then you should be able to point
your browser at http://localhost:2020/. The GWT & SPARQL demo is the third
link down.
Try these sample queries to see some simple examples of SPARQL.
These use "/books" as the query base URL (text field at the top, "/books" is the default):
PREFIX books: <> PREFIX dc: <> SELECT ?book ?title ?author WHERE { ?book dc:title ?title. ?book dc:creator ?author }
PREFIX books: <> PREFIX dc: <> SELECT ?book ?title ?author WHERE { ?book dc:title ?title. OPTIONAL { ?book dc:creator ?author } }
These use "/sparql" as the query base URL (text field at the top, "/books" is the default):
SELECT ?x ?y ?z FROM <> WHERE {?x ?y ?z}
SELECT ?x ?z FROM <> WHERE {?x <> ?z}
SELECT ?x ?z FROM <> WHERE { <> ?x ?z } ORDER BY ASC(?x)
SELECT ?x ?z FROM <> WHERE { <> ?x ?z }
SELECT ?instance ?type ?name FROM <> WHERE { ?instance <> ?type. OPTIONAL { ?instance <> ?name } } ORDER BY ASC(?type) ASC(?instance)
PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX doap: <> SELECT ?instance ?type ?name FROM <> WHERE { ?instance rdf:type ?type. OPTIONAL { ?instance foaf:name ?name } OPTIONAL { ?instance doap:name ?name } OPTIONAL { ?instance rdfs:label ?name } } ORDER BY ASC(?type) ASC(?instance)
PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?x ?z FROM <> WHERE {?x foaf:project ?z}
Tim Berners-Lee's Tabulator